ATTENTION: In 2019 Warehouse 21 moved out of the building located at 1614 Paseo de Peralta across from the Farmers Market in the Railyard. The City of Santa Fe is the owner of the building which sits empty at this time. W21 continues offering select programs around town. For more info, please contact Check out our fabulous history below!
Warehouse 21's Storied History Presented
Ana Gallegos y Reinhardt led this month's attendees on an inspiring walk down memory lane, celebrating youth culture and creativity in Santa Fe at the Santa Fe chapter of CreativeMornings on Jan 17, 2025.
See Ana's presentation here:
See the slideshow here:

Warehouse 21 2024 Programs Recap
This year in 2024, Warehouse 21 continued to support teens and youth organizations in various programs here in Santa Fe.
W21 was honored to partially sponsor the Breakin' Bread event hosted by Hip Hop University at El Museo featuring a breakdance battle between Santa Fe and ABQ breakdances. Other cultural performers participated.
W21 helped sponsor funds towards a winning teen band at the Boys and Girl Club of Santa Fe t at the Santa Fe Place Mall at their summer teen Music Awards.
W21 supported several alums to conduct video testimonials on young adults at Leaves and Roots Cafe and the impact our organization had with them growing up at our organization in the Railyard.
W21 sponsored some children who are part of the Santa Fe Cooking For Kids Program
W21 sponsored a Chess tournament with kids in Santa Fe
W21 sponsored a Circus Art workshop and a showcase at Wise Fool NM
W21 sponsored a show with Pandemonian Productions, a children's theater program
W21 sponsored a few young entrepreneurs including a Kids Mini-Mark Art Show and one musician
W21 sponsored a special needs youth martial arts program
W21 Well Deserved Awards 2023
Warehouse 21 held a WELL DESERVED Awards gathering
offering scholarships to teens and 14 youth organizations in December 2023.
Funded by the Sheila Fortune Foundation

In 2023, W21 supported youth non-profits serving teens that have worked with W21 in the past in our former building. 12 organizations were represented with Well Deserved Scholarships. Five of these orgs were given scholarship funds to support their current daily and weekly programs that are free for youth and 12 youth were given scholarships nominated by their organizations below.
Santa Fe High School Drama Dept nurtures young artists in the various elements of production, performance, and analysis producing an average of five full productions a year.
Alas de Agua Art Collective, Partners in Ed an intersectional grass roots space providing resources and opportunities for artists of color, native artists, immigrant, undocumented, and queer artists who have historically and currently been marginalized and not afforded the same resources.
Santa Fe Breakin’ Academy from Hip Hop University to today’s Breakin’ Academy, they serve children and teens in the skills of Break Dancing.
Earth Care works on social justice issues such as climate change, environmental justice, community planning, solidarity organizing and more.
Boys & Girls Club Teen Center located at the SF Place Mall. With a podcast studio, a computer lab, a performance space, a pool table and video room.
Teatro Paraguas Umbrella Children’s Theater works with children and teens in their free workshops.
Theatre Santa Fe is a site where Santa Fe’s theater community and its audience can connect.
Institute for Computing in Research is a consortium of researchers, students, and teachers who work on pedagogical aspects of using advanced computing methods for research and scholarship for 10-12 graders.
Upstart Crows is a Shakespeare troupe for young people 10 - 18. The cast creates productions from deep explorations of Shakespeare’s language and meaning.
Earthseed Black Arts Alliance is a black-led organization focusing on centering and amplifying black voices in northern NM as well as collaborating with indigenous arts, artists of color and the community at large.
United World College is a college for teens from around the world located on the edge of the Pecos Wilderness and the Santa Fe National Forest and at the Montezuma Castle.
Tomorrow’s Women is an organization that empowers young Israeli and Palestinian girls and women to create change in areas of conflict.
Learn about Warehouse 21's recent youth project in Santa Fe/Albuquerque.
Theatre of Emergency
Parts 1 & 2
(click image below to learn more)

AUGUST- SEPTEMBER 2022 -- Warehouse 21 was commissioned to do mural art on areas of the former 1614 building in the Railyard where certain surfaces were boarded up due to vandalism since 2020.
On behalf of W21, it has been a sad situation seeing our former beloved building trashed, broken into and more. So, we complained, and with a little funding, we restored aspects of the outdoor boarded areas to give this empty building the arts and cultural skin it deserves.
Our ghost friends remain to lurk there and vibes remain to be felt. One reason why we pursued these creative moments of new art on boarded up areas and walls.
Sebastian Velazquez painted the 'Save the People, Save the Children' that is mounted on the front porch facing Paseo de Peralta. It reflects a wise elder embracing a diverse group of young people in the arts and her prayers to protect them and that they always have a place to go to.
John Santos painted the south side wall, entitled 'Rebirth'. The rebirth mural represents the ongoing cycle of our ever-changing existence and creativity. It focuses on the similarities of how the two have been expressed and experienced on this planet by different cultures and civilizations throughout time. The similarities in the rebirth mural highlight the story of the phoenix.
Shakti Kroopkin, painted the side front porch mural facing the train tracks and named it 'Santa Fe Leans In / Listen'. Through the transformation and resiliency we are experiencing in Santa Fe our ancestors from all lineages are here witnessing the change with us. May we Lean In / Listen to the wisdom of the ancestors and to all voices of our community. This painting is in honor of our Santa Fe beloveds who left us too soon by way of gun violence or suicide, may their memory be for blessing.
Cristina Sanchez paints an outdoor box facing the west parking lot featuring the 'Empowerment of Women'.
Sponsored by the City of Santa Fe Public Works Department.

AUGUST 2022 -- W21 was commissioned to do mural art on areas of the former 1614 building where certain surfaces were boarded up. This first mural (above) was painted by Sebastian Velazquez. Save the People, Save the Children. Sponsored by the City of Santa Fe Public Works Department.